This is a wonderful time of year to be spent with family and friends. Gifts are exchanged, laughs are had, food is consumed and Jesus is frequently forgotten. Someone asked me recently what my favorite part of Christmas is and I answered, "Jesus is my favorite part of Christmas". And it's true; I could care less about gifts but I do care immensely about our Saviour, Jesus the Christ.
I love spending time with the family at any time of the year, especially this time. I enjoy seeing the kids faces light up when opening gifts, I enjoy the food and I really love the closeness I feel to Jesus. There's no feeling like the one I get at Christmas time.
Giving to people who can use our help was our way to do gifts for some this year. We decided that our money would be better spent if we put it towards Christian charities that will help people in impoverished countries.
We don't put up Christmas decorations much any more because of these two rebels:
Smalls, the dark one, she climbs up inside the tree, knocks the ornaments off and the tree finally tipped over and broke. She also has a tendency to "play" with my Christmas Village pieces.
All is well though, it's not about decorations anyway, it's about Him.
"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." (Isaiah 7:14)