Thursday, July 16, 2009

My latest letter to POTUS

Mr. President,
SLOW DOWN!! Give the American people a chance to understand this health care plan that congress is proposing. You are dismissive of critics and are telling congress not to listen to the critics. I've got news for you: THE CRITICS ARE THE AMERICAN CITIZENS and your job is to listen to us. Give us a chance to understand what may or may not happen to OUR health care since it will have an impact on all of us.

We need to be able to have a say, ask questions and be treated with RESPECT if we happen to disagree with the proposal. You do NOT know what is best for me and my family and I have every right, as a voting American to question something so huge as health care reform. I have a right to be heard, respected and understood.

Should you continue to disrespect those who are questioning the proposal, you will lose votes. You are the President, as you so often remind us, and you are the one who needs to make sure that we, the American people, are heard!

Jennifer Bradley

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