I come home from work feeling sorrowful and possessing a boatload of self-pity for actions I've elected to partake in which are not in my character normally. I have let my emotions get the best of me and an uncontrolled attitude was the result. In other words, I screwed up and allowed myself to be someone I'm not. More importantly, I forgot to give my emotions over to Jesus and let Him take control. As Carrie Underwood would say, "Jesus, take the wheel" which I have neglected to do in a particular situation.
How can I do this? How can a person of faith, not remember to give Him control? Sure, I pray and I read devotionals and scripture, but in this particular set of circumstances, I have not given my heart to Him. That was then, this is now.
My husband, bless his heart, reminded me to "give it to Jesus". He reminded me to choose faith and Him and the rest will fall into place. Jim is such an astonishing person who possesses a beautiful heart of glory, love and kindness. He told me, I need to keep a prayer with me, so in times of need, I can refer back to that prayer for comfort and to remind me to talk to Jesus. To rely on Him. To trust Him. To give control to Him.
Simply after crying and talking to Jim, I feel lighter and I already feel Jesus in my heart. I feel the warmth. I know He's there, with me, always. Period.
I guess what I can take away from some of the emotions I've been feeling is this: faith is a work in progress. I can ALWAYS grow stronger in my faith, I can ALWAYS pray more. The bottom line is, to keep my faith. Step out in faith. Trust Him and trust my faith in Him.
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