Friday, August 28, 2009

Hypocrisies, lies and misunderstandings

Before we dive into the hypocrisies and lies from the left during the last seven months, let me just say that the right is just as guilty as these as the left is. Don't think that I'm not aware of that.

Let's talk about some of the lies from the left:

-The man who carried an AR-15 to a town hall in Arizona was made out to be a white man by MSNBC due to their cropping of the video and then saying "these white men are out there with guns." In fact, that man was a black man exercising is 2nd Amendment right.

- The man attacked during a health care protest was made by MSNBC to be a liberal being attacked by a conservative because they didn't give the whole story. In fact, the man was a black man attacked by members of SEIU. He ended up in the hospital due to injuries to his shoulder.

- The man who created the "Obama joker" painting was not a right wing nut job. He in fact, painted that picture because he felt President Obama is not left ENOUGH.

- The man who vandalized the Denver Democrat Party office was not a right wing crazy or a left wing crazy. He was in fact a member of a Denver transgender anarchist group taking money from the democrats to further his cause of anarchy.

Now, let's take a look at some of the hypocrisies from the left:

- Some how it was okay for President George W. Bush and Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin to be hung in effigy but it was not okay when someone hung a congressman in effigy who happened to be a democrat. Fact of the matter is, it wasn't okay EITHER way.

- Some how it was okay for President George W. Bush to be compared to Hitler but not okay for President Obama to be compared to Hitler. Fact of the matter is, neither is like Hitler and it's not okay EITHER way.

- Some how it was okay for protesters of the Iraq war to speak their minds and exercise their 1st Amendment right but it's not okay for protesters of the current health care reform proposal or big government with out being labeled as racists. Fact of the matter is, it is okay EITHER way to protest and speak your mind.

- Some how when protester of the Iraq war spoke their minds, they were grass roots but then opponents of President Obama's policies speak their minds the are labeled "astroturf", "racist", "evil-mongers", "fear-mongers" and "rednecks". Fact of the matter is, people can exercise their 1st Amendment right EITHER way.

- Some how when a senator used the term "Great white hope" (which she didn't know was "racist") and apologizes and actually said "If I offended anyone, of course, I apologize" that apology isn't good enough. But when David Letterman smears Sarah Palin's family (family is ALWAYS off limits) and never actually says "I apologize" the left says nothing about it. Fact of the matter is, people need to be held accountable for their words, EITHER way.

- Some how when a Republican congressman says he will vote against HR 3200 (current health care reform proposal) without even reading it, the left is upset about him not reading it when people on BOTH sides of the aisle aren't reading these bills. Fact of the matter is, these senators and representatives have to read the bills, EITHER way.

- Some how when Glenn Beck calls President Obama a racist (which I thought was an inappropriate statement to make) he is labeled a terrible person but when Jeanine Garafalo calls American citizens who are in opposition to the president racists, that is okay. Fact of the matter is, calling someone a racist EITHER way is inappropriate.

The point of all this? We ALL (conservatives, liberals, progressives, libertarians, democrats and republicans) need to LISTEN to each other, talk, ask questions, learn, respect and not act like we're in high school by calling people names. The government belongs to the people, the American citizens.

A Case for Glenn Beck - Don't roll your eyes, just read!

As I worry so much about where our great country is headed in times of larger government, more power and threats to our very liberties, I turn to Glenn Beck to see what is going on other than what the main stream media is reporting.

Now, I know many of you believe Glenn is a bat crazy whack-a-doo, but what he really is, is passionate. Very passionate. He will tell you things that no one else reports on, not even others on Fox News. He will show you sides to stories that will leave you speechless.

The thing about Beck is this: he's not mean, disrespectful or disingenuous (see disclaimer at the end of my note).

-He's not like Olberman who is condescending and rude and has a segment that names people the worst in the world.

-He's not like Maddow who mocks Americans who disagree with liberals.

-He's not like O'Reilly who is arrogant and won't let anyone get an opposing opinion in before interrupting them.

-He's not like Hannity who has a "liberal translation" segment (which I don't even understand) or who is full of talking points.

Beck says what he means and means what he says

Here are some links to sites with information about what is going on in our current government and who POTUS is surrounding himself with. This information is not made up and is out there for anyone to research!
This article has questions that nobody seems to be answering and that probably we all should be asking.
This article is a list of Obama's Czars (which equal nearly three times as many as Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2 had PUT TOGETHER), how much they make, what their duties are, what department could have covered their duties, etc. And yes, the Green Jobs Czar IS in fact a self-avowed communist.

I issue every one a challenge. No matter what your political standing, liberal, conservative, moderate, lean a little bit left, whatever, watch Glenn Beck's television program for one week. Listen, hear and don't go in with a preconceived notion of what Keith Olbermann has told you about Beck on his "Worst persons in the world" segment. Just watch for one week and you may gain perspective as to why so many Americans are upset right now.

After you've done this, please, let's talk! Open discussion is the key to conquering all kinds of disrespect and misunderstandings of the views of others. I get very tired of people being afraid to talk about politics. Why be afraid? Just talk, it may surprise you!

**Disclaimers: The disgust with our government did NOT start w/ Obama, he just happens to be the straw that broke the camel's back. Also, Beck called POTUS a racist on national television and while I'm not sure if I agree with that statement or not, I do think that it was inappropriate and should not have been said.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The good, the bad and the Cash for Clunkers

"Cash for Clunkers" sounds like a wonderful idea, right? In some aspects, yes and in some aspects, no.

Cash for Clunkers is a government program that will allow $3,500 to $4,500 allowance when a consumer trades in his clunker for a newer, more fuel efficient automobile. The program was set to begin July 1, 2009 but didn't start until July 24, 2009. $1 billion was allocated for this program which quickly ran out as over 22,000 new cars were purchased within the first week of the program. Cash for Clunkers is already broke but Congress is said to be allocating another $2 billion for the program, due to end in November, this year.

In some aspects this program has been stimulative as its raised sales for car companies like Ford. And that isn't a bad thing. With that being said, there are some major issues with this program that aren't being advertised by the main stream media.

1. As previously discussed, the program went broke with in one week as the estimated allocations were not enough. The government must put more money into the program, which means more tax payer dollars.

2. We won't know for sure for a while who the people are that are actually purchasing these more fuel efficient cars but the assumption is that they're either people who were going to buy a car in the next year anyway or they're people who won't be able to afford their payments later on down the road (remember the housing bust?).

3. The cars that are eligible for the program that are considered "clunkers" CAN NOT be older than 25 years. So, those who have a clunker from before 1984 are NOT eligible for the program.
4. Consumers must purchase a new vehicle, not a "new-used" vehicle.

5. The cars that are traded in are shredded or crushed and then will be put into a landfill (very green).

6. The government run program in which dealers register in order to be able to participate has already been backlogged and is behind on paperwork in getting vouchers to the dealers. However, if the dealer doesn't provide the necessary paperwork for the program it will be fined.
7. The website that dealers must use to participate in the program, states in its terms of use agreement, that once you click "I agree", the government now owns your computer and any authorized officials can have access to it.

8. There is only a limited amount of funds that are to be used for certain categories of trucks and once that runs out, people won't be able to purchase that type of truck.

9. The difference in mileage required from clunker to new auto ranges from 2-10 mpg (2 for certain types of trucks and 10 for certain types of cars).

10. Cars turned traded in can not be used for spare parts which could significantly affect used parts dealers.

11. Those who tell you that Cash for Clunkers has been the best part of the stimulus program are lying. This program was not even in the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. Originally, it was to be included in a defense spending bill, but later became a bill of it's own. It was never a part of the original stimulus; this money is NOT part of the $787 billion stimulus package.

12. No where in the rules does it stipulate that the new cars purchased must be American.

So, with all that being said, the actual "stimulus" portion of this program is not necessarily a bad thing but it is not sustainable and there is the possibility that there are people participating in the program who should not be purchasing cars as they can't afford them. This program could ultimately hurt Americans who are in the used parts business, thus costing jobs. The program is already technically a failure as it's run out of money and the system has already been overloaded and doesn't work.

The point of all this? These people who instituted this program that will have ramifications beyond just tax payer dollars going towards other people purchasing cars are THE SAME PEOPLE WHO WANT TO OVERHAUL THE ENTIRE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM!!!!