Friday, August 28, 2009

Hypocrisies, lies and misunderstandings

Before we dive into the hypocrisies and lies from the left during the last seven months, let me just say that the right is just as guilty as these as the left is. Don't think that I'm not aware of that.

Let's talk about some of the lies from the left:

-The man who carried an AR-15 to a town hall in Arizona was made out to be a white man by MSNBC due to their cropping of the video and then saying "these white men are out there with guns." In fact, that man was a black man exercising is 2nd Amendment right.

- The man attacked during a health care protest was made by MSNBC to be a liberal being attacked by a conservative because they didn't give the whole story. In fact, the man was a black man attacked by members of SEIU. He ended up in the hospital due to injuries to his shoulder.

- The man who created the "Obama joker" painting was not a right wing nut job. He in fact, painted that picture because he felt President Obama is not left ENOUGH.

- The man who vandalized the Denver Democrat Party office was not a right wing crazy or a left wing crazy. He was in fact a member of a Denver transgender anarchist group taking money from the democrats to further his cause of anarchy.

Now, let's take a look at some of the hypocrisies from the left:

- Some how it was okay for President George W. Bush and Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin to be hung in effigy but it was not okay when someone hung a congressman in effigy who happened to be a democrat. Fact of the matter is, it wasn't okay EITHER way.

- Some how it was okay for President George W. Bush to be compared to Hitler but not okay for President Obama to be compared to Hitler. Fact of the matter is, neither is like Hitler and it's not okay EITHER way.

- Some how it was okay for protesters of the Iraq war to speak their minds and exercise their 1st Amendment right but it's not okay for protesters of the current health care reform proposal or big government with out being labeled as racists. Fact of the matter is, it is okay EITHER way to protest and speak your mind.

- Some how when protester of the Iraq war spoke their minds, they were grass roots but then opponents of President Obama's policies speak their minds the are labeled "astroturf", "racist", "evil-mongers", "fear-mongers" and "rednecks". Fact of the matter is, people can exercise their 1st Amendment right EITHER way.

- Some how when a senator used the term "Great white hope" (which she didn't know was "racist") and apologizes and actually said "If I offended anyone, of course, I apologize" that apology isn't good enough. But when David Letterman smears Sarah Palin's family (family is ALWAYS off limits) and never actually says "I apologize" the left says nothing about it. Fact of the matter is, people need to be held accountable for their words, EITHER way.

- Some how when a Republican congressman says he will vote against HR 3200 (current health care reform proposal) without even reading it, the left is upset about him not reading it when people on BOTH sides of the aisle aren't reading these bills. Fact of the matter is, these senators and representatives have to read the bills, EITHER way.

- Some how when Glenn Beck calls President Obama a racist (which I thought was an inappropriate statement to make) he is labeled a terrible person but when Jeanine Garafalo calls American citizens who are in opposition to the president racists, that is okay. Fact of the matter is, calling someone a racist EITHER way is inappropriate.

The point of all this? We ALL (conservatives, liberals, progressives, libertarians, democrats and republicans) need to LISTEN to each other, talk, ask questions, learn, respect and not act like we're in high school by calling people names. The government belongs to the people, the American citizens.

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