Friday, August 28, 2009

A Case for Glenn Beck - Don't roll your eyes, just read!

As I worry so much about where our great country is headed in times of larger government, more power and threats to our very liberties, I turn to Glenn Beck to see what is going on other than what the main stream media is reporting.

Now, I know many of you believe Glenn is a bat crazy whack-a-doo, but what he really is, is passionate. Very passionate. He will tell you things that no one else reports on, not even others on Fox News. He will show you sides to stories that will leave you speechless.

The thing about Beck is this: he's not mean, disrespectful or disingenuous (see disclaimer at the end of my note).

-He's not like Olberman who is condescending and rude and has a segment that names people the worst in the world.

-He's not like Maddow who mocks Americans who disagree with liberals.

-He's not like O'Reilly who is arrogant and won't let anyone get an opposing opinion in before interrupting them.

-He's not like Hannity who has a "liberal translation" segment (which I don't even understand) or who is full of talking points.

Beck says what he means and means what he says

Here are some links to sites with information about what is going on in our current government and who POTUS is surrounding himself with. This information is not made up and is out there for anyone to research!
This article has questions that nobody seems to be answering and that probably we all should be asking.
This article is a list of Obama's Czars (which equal nearly three times as many as Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton and Bush 2 had PUT TOGETHER), how much they make, what their duties are, what department could have covered their duties, etc. And yes, the Green Jobs Czar IS in fact a self-avowed communist.

I issue every one a challenge. No matter what your political standing, liberal, conservative, moderate, lean a little bit left, whatever, watch Glenn Beck's television program for one week. Listen, hear and don't go in with a preconceived notion of what Keith Olbermann has told you about Beck on his "Worst persons in the world" segment. Just watch for one week and you may gain perspective as to why so many Americans are upset right now.

After you've done this, please, let's talk! Open discussion is the key to conquering all kinds of disrespect and misunderstandings of the views of others. I get very tired of people being afraid to talk about politics. Why be afraid? Just talk, it may surprise you!

**Disclaimers: The disgust with our government did NOT start w/ Obama, he just happens to be the straw that broke the camel's back. Also, Beck called POTUS a racist on national television and while I'm not sure if I agree with that statement or not, I do think that it was inappropriate and should not have been said.

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