Tuesday, April 7, 2009

And the oblviousness prevails....

I'm not even sure where to start on this one so we'll start with this post....read the threads by the leftists on this blog...


Now, do some research to find out if we really are at war with Islam or if it's all just in our imagination. While, I firmly believe that there are extremists in every religion, Islam seems to take the cake in this category. Communities around the world are succumbing to Islam and it's a slow process so as not to alarm anyone.

Our President said "America is not and never will be at war with Islam", while that may be true, he neglected to include "but Islam is at war with us", "we are at war with extremists" (and bear in mind that the extremists in Islam aren't really all that extreme when the Q'uran and Shari'a law is examined. POTUS should have also said "America will continue to defend it's freedoms, it's citizens and it's land while working to continue to develop healthy, trusting relationships with (insert country name here)".

This is what I know; not all Muslims are bad but if asked which law prevails, Shari'a or Federal law, chances are Shari'a will prevail. I know that Christians, Jews, Hindus as well as other religions and Muslims can peacefully cohabitate. We need to remember to maintain our mutual respect for each other and our religions. I know that many Americans lump all Muslims into a fundamentalist category and that is wrong as well as disrespectful.

This is what I know of the Q'uran and Mohammad. I know that Mohammad originally preached peace while he was in Mecca. People of Mecca didn't like him but he was protected by a rich uncle's connections. Once that uncle passed, Mohammad lost his protection and was forced out of Mecca. He migrated north to Medina where he began preaching Islam as a religion of violence. This is the part of his life that fundamentalists cling to, not the beginning, peaceful years. This violent preaching is why we should worry. This part of the Q'uran tells Muslims, followers of Allah to kill all infidels, Jews and Christians. Either convert or die. I believe that it is quite possible for the Islamic faith to completely dissolve into the latter teachings of Mohammad.

The liberal left is completely unaware of or unwilling to accept this as a reality. There are no "moderate members of the Taliban", we cannot "maintain diplomacy with Iran", we will not ever be viewed by the Muslim world as equals, deserving of respect or as anything other than infidels. To think so, I believe would be foolish.

I suggest you plug into YouTube and search for FITNA and get just a glimpse of what goes on in the fundamentalist Muslim world. What FITNA shows is nothing new and can be found many places. It's frightening.

I will never not speak to, socialize with, listen to or befriend a Muslim, just like any other religion. That would go against MY faith to do so. I will continue to try to broaden my horizons and expand my understanding and knowledge, but I will also do so with caution only to remind myself that I need to understand both sides.

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