Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fighting the rise of privacy, er, uh piracy

I am writing to give President Obama props on a couple items. First, it's clear the POTUS has a great sense of humor as demonstrated by his spontaneousness when trying to find a microphone in the rabbit's ear at the White House Easter egg hunt. Second, he displayed quite the human side while playing with the children during the hunt and even helping a young boy slam dunk a basketball. It's always nice to see the President, no matter who he is, being relaxed and in a different environment than what we're used to. It was enjoyable to watch; they seemed to be having a wonderful time.

I was going to give Obama props for giving the directives to save the Captain held by pirates and thank goodness he was saved but turns out, what Obama did was actually the law. He had too. But still, the Captain was saved and that really is all that is important.

On to the second topic, the tea parties. All the lefties are calling them "tea bagging" parties which if you don't know what that mean, look it up on google! It's highly sexual and extremely offensive. The fact that many on the left really have absolutely no idea what the tea parties are about is quite sad. There are tens of thousands of Americans using their rights to speak their minds and assemble protests on April 15th. Now, this happens to be taking place on tax day but these protests aren't only about taxes. In fact, that's just a small part. The protests are about big spending, big government, bail outs, congress not reading bills, Obama moving the country to the left AND taxes. The other thing the lefties don't get is that Obama is simply the straw that broke the camel's back; these people were just as upset when Bush started bigger government by bailing out banks and it's all come to a culmination. It just happens to be that Obama has pushed people over the edge; this didn't start with him but he didn't make it any better.

I also find it interesting that it was perfectly okay for the liberals to protest Bush during his presidency but it's foolish, kooky and crazy for people to protest what the government is doing during the Obama term. It's complete hypocrisy.

The left also is in utter denial that these tea parties are a grass roots efforts; they are believing everything they hear on MSNBC. These protests started months ago and have been organized by people just like you and me. They may be covered by Fox News but they are not paid for or organized by Fox News. Plain and simple.

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