Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Another one bites the dust.....or does she?

Another POTUS nominee is a tax cheat, oops...I'm sorry, I meant to say another POTUS nominee made an honest mistake on her taxes.

Kathleen Sebelius, governor of Kansas and second choice nominee for HHS secretary has revealed that she paid over $7k in back taxes because of "mistakes" on her returns. I am pretty sure that our dear President has no clue how upset many Americans are over this happening over and over again with his nominees.

In an interview with CNN after the Daschle debacle, Obama said this: "And I take responsibility for it and we're going to make sure we fix it so it doesn't happen again." He also said this: "Ultimately, I campaigned on changing Washington and bottom-up politics," Obama said. "And I don't want to send a message to the American people that there are two sets of standards -- one for powerful people and one for ordinary folks who are working every day and paying their taxes."

I tell you now, if this bonehead gets confirmed and Obama does nothing, he will be viewed by so many as a typical Washington politician and a complete and total hypocrite. It seems to me that the best thing for him to do, is apologize to the American people once again because the vetting process screwed up again and pick yet a third choice for HHS secretary. He's already got Rahmbo on his staff and Geithner in his administration and both of them have tax issues of some sort.

Understandably, the President won't deal with this until he returns from the G20 summit and I'm okay with that. I find it so aggravating that the elitists on MSNBC mentioned Sebelius' tax issues in a round table discussion. The question was asked "do we care?" and everyone on the panel said "No, we don't care". That is so far out of touch with the view of so many Americans and they have no clue how high and mighty they sound for saying this!

I do know that if Sebelius is allowed in as HHS secretary, there will be an outrage and uproar from the public and THEN Obama will know how people really feel!!

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