Saturday, April 18, 2009

POTUS + apology

The POTUS owes the Americans who attended tea parties across the nation an apology. He needs to recognize the concerns of Americans who have different ideas than he does and he needs to recognize them as valid.

He needs to apologize for Nancy Pelosi, MSM (main stream media) and other congress people who downplayed the tea parties as "astroturf" organizations, despicable, invalid and crazy. We have valid concerns and I respect them; Mr. Obama is supposed to be a President of the people yet he's brushed off concerns of millions of Americans because they don't agree with him. What he should do is issue a statement that would go something like this: "I recognize the validity of the concerns of those who attended the tea parties on tax day and I am listening with an open mind. I apologize for the response of some in congress and the lack of respect show to fellow Americans by the main stream media. Americans are encouraged to exercise their 1st right and the government should not be so quick as to brush them off." Doubtful that something like that would happen but I am forwarding this paragraph on to the White House.

How dare they brush off our concerns! How dare they. Nancy Pelosi and the likes should be absolutely ashamed of themselves for downplaying concerns of the very people the represent. Shame on them!

The other thing POTUS needs to apologize for is because he's apologizing for us Americans on foreign soil. He apologized for the actions of Americans when he was in Europe and he's doing the same thing at the Summit of the Americas. When is he going to start acting like the President of the UNITED STATES and stand up for us and not act like the Apologizer of the United States. If only I could get my hands on TOTUS and write a speech the was pro-American instead of anti-American. Chances are he wouldn't even know what he was reading until the speech was done...sort of like when he thanked himself for inviting people to the White House.

He's not holding Americans accountable for how they are treating other Americans but he is holding Americans accountable for how we've treated foreign countries (in his mind). What's wrong with this picture?

1 comment:

  1. Can I copy and paste this in a letter to my Senators, please?

    I absolutely love it Jen.
