Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What? The libs are confused again? Never.

Once again, the leftist liberals are blaming the tragic shootings which have occurred over the past few weeks on "nutjob" right-winger gun activists. They are taking these shootings and using them as political opportunism to advance the gun control agenda. They have been saying that us conservatives who are worried about Obama taking our guns are fools because that's not on his agenda. Really? Let's take a look at why us right-winger gun activists may believe gun control is a priority on Obama's radar.

#1. Obama was voted the most liberal senator in the senate and for some reason, there were still people out there who foolishly thought he would govern from the center or maybe left of center. He's clearly shown his colors as a true leftist and, I believe, he never planned on governing from the center but he's such a slippery snake, he made people believe he would.

#2. He surrounding himself by gun control activists by filling his cabinet with people who won't support the 2nd Amendment. Let's take a look at some of these people:

A. Eric Holder, Attorney General, has been one of the most staunch gun control supporters for decades

B. Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, won an award from the gun control lobby.

C. Cass Sunstein, Regulatory Czar (whatever the hell that is), thinks that animals should be able to sue, yes I did write "SUE" humans.

D. Rahm Emmauel, White House Chief of Staff and former senior advisor to President Clinton, was a part of the gun ban lobbies and a supporter of the Brady Bill.

See, libs? See why we are concerned? People surround themselves with like minded individuals when and President Obama is doing just that. Now, let's get to the idea that the recent shootings are #1 because of conservative gun activists and #2 actually performed by legal gun owners. Neither of which are true.

The recent shootings that have been taking place are saddening. What the gun control activists really need to understand is that the people who committed these crimes either #1 possessed their weapons illegally or #2 were mentally unstable and if they didn't have access to guns, they would have found another way to carry out their missions (ie. the man who built a "tank" and wrecked the town of Granby, Colorado).

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