Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Do I offend? Tough!

We live in a very sensitive, politically correct society. I personally, believe that political correctness is a crock of crap and it's just a way to ensure we don't have open, honest discussions. Because of political correctness, we generally can't openly talk about race, religion, sexual preference and now terrorism without the worry of upsetting someone.

Eric Holder, not to long ago said, "we need to talk more about race" and in the same breath, said "we are a nation of cowards". Now, I get the point of what he was saying, at least I think I do. What he was saying is that we are cowards because we won't talk about race. Here's the thing: people ARE AFRAID to talk about race for fear of being called a racist by the ACLU or NAACP. We can't talk openly about race because of the ramifications we may face. I, luckily, have friends who are black and friends who are gay who I feel comfortable talking to about sensitive subjects. But, in general, people will get reamed, especially people in the public eye.

For instance, Jackie Mason recently referred to President Obama as a "schwartza" which, in German, means black person. Some find this term offensive, others do not. TMZ (who I think is a joke and don't understand why FoxNews even associates with them) followed Mr Mason asking him why he said that. Mr Mason laid into the "reporter" asking when did we ever come down on Chris Rock for calling Bush a retard? Mr Mason did a great job at calling out the double standard.

Another example of double standards is when O'Reilly referred to lil'ol' Helen Thomas as the wicked witch of the west. A woman's group was all over him about that and he called them on not being all over SNL or editorial writers when they called Sarah Palin a pig or said she wasn't a woman. Total double standard.

Now, we find out that our homeland security secretary, Janet Napalitano (spelling?) won't refer to terrorists as terrorists. She'll only refer to acts of terror as "man-made disasters". What the hell? Now, we're worried about being politically correct when it comes to murderous individuals? Please! This is absurd and will tell the rest of the world, including the Islamist extremists, that we aren't even strong enough to be tough in our labeling.

People really need to lighten up and not worry so much about being offended or who is going to be offended and worry more about having an open, honest conversation about actual issues. Worrying about "proper labeling" is such a waste of time and really quite embarrassing.

1 comment:

  1. You took the words right out of my mouth!! Its a damn shame that we have to tip-toe around race, religion and sexual orientation.
