Friday, March 6, 2009

Political hypocrisies in Washington

Well, we now know that politics are continuing as usual, in Washington, D.C. On both sides of the aisle, the hypocrisies continue and it's maddening!

1. Obama promised "no more pork barrel spending" yet the new $410 billion dollar spending bill is laden with earmarks. Now, I will give him the benefit of the doubt because he hasn't signed it yet (hell, it failed in the Senate already!). However, for someone, who is the leader of the Democratic party and the leader of our nation, you'd think that the democrats would follow him, and not include earmarks. I'm sickened by the amount of pork in this bill during a time when the country is in dire need of leadership and fiscal responsibility.

2. Now, we can't lay blame for the 8500+ earmarks in the bill solely on the democrats...about 40% or so, of those earmarks are from the republicans! The republicans in the House are the ones who ALL voted against the stimulus bill but apparently they have absolutely no qualms about putting their own pieces of pork in this new bill. That just doesn't make any sense other than it's "politics as usual".

3. Once Tom Daschle dropped his nomination for HHS secretary, Obama went on television saying that we can't have a different set of standards for one group of people than another group of people, yet Tim Geithner, the tax cheat, is still our Treasury Secretary. I don't trust a damn thing Mr. Geithner says; I don't believe he's telling the truth.

4. When John McCain suspended his campaign to go fight against the stimulus bill last year, I thought that was a huge mistake. THEN, he turned around and voted FOR it!

5. Obama touted an era of bi-partisanship in Washington. That, of course, is not enforced by him; the Democrats in the Senate and House are just as, if not more, partisan as ever. I think, possibly, his bi-partisan heart is in the right place, but it's not being executed very well. Don't forget the mockery he made of the republicans during the democrat retreat prior to the stimulus bill being signed. That's really a new era of bi-partisanship.

6. Obama said "lobbyists will have no place in my administration" and how many are there now? At least 12 nominees for the Obama administration have been registered lobbyists.

Well, I could go on about the hypocrisies in Washington and how there is nothing new going on there, but I won't. This isn't a new era, this is just the Obama era.

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