Monday, March 9, 2009

Republicans need to get their acts straight

These silly Republicans...they are not setting a good image right now and it's a bit embarassing. John McCain is the ONLY senate republican, along with a couple senate democrats that have NO earmark spending in thie omnibus bill. I thought the republicans were the ones touting reponsible, fiscal spending and they turn around and completely go back on their word, except McCain.

Obama is expected to sign this bill without getting rid of any earmarks; this one time will be an exception. He is quickly becoming the President of exceptions and not President of substance.

I'm just saying, while I am a republican, I'm disappointed in my party, right now. I'm disappointed that they had a perfect opportunity to become the party of real change, because Obama is just going on with politics as usual, and all they did is squander the opportunity to show fiscal responsibility for once in Washington.

Time will tell whether Obama is really about change, although his changes are not something I support and if the republicans can reclaim their party.

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