Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Taliban? Moderate? Huh?

I'm thinking this post may be a bit short because it's a bit stupid. It's stupid, okay, maybe stupid, isn't the right word...it's arrogant to President Obama to think that #1, there is such a thing as "moderate Taliban" and #2 that we can somehow create diplomacy with them.

Am I the only one who thinks this is foolish? Well, no, I'm not...the Taliban thinks it's foolish. They themselves said that there is no such thing as "moderate Taliban". This is one area where the President's inexperience and arrogance is shinning. To his credit though, he did point out that the situation in Afganistan is more complex than in Iraq. Ya think?

When it comes down to it, the actual members of The Taliban are on a mission and that mission will not be faltered by the President of the United States wanting to have "talks". There are people in Afghanistan and Pakistan that are so scared of the Taliban that they will never do anything to go against them. The same goes for Al-Qaeda.

The Taliban and Al-Qaeda are directly connected and the thought that our president thinks he can reason or have discussions to come to a agreement with this group is really quite frightening. I don't know if he or Clinton or anyone in his foreign policy department really have any clue how nervous this makes Americans; a lot of Americans (not all, I know) are very nervous about these types of moves from the administration.

I guess that wasn't really short, but you know me...I can never get off a soap box quickly.

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