Friday, March 20, 2009

You did it! No, you did it! did it!

Here we go again with politics as usual in Washington. Our fool political representatives didn't read the damn stimulus bill, shocker.

The following is taken directly from the stimulus bill (of which I've actually read about 700 pages...more than our politicians can say):

"The prohibition required under clause (i) shall not be construed to prohibit any bonus payment required to be paid pursuant to a written employment contract executed on or before February 11, 2009, as such valid employment contracts are determined by the Secretary or the designee of the Secretary. "

Now...was this provision inserted by Dodd? Yes, apparently so. But, he says that Geithner and the White House told him to include it. Stop blaming the other person...take some responsibility, SOMEONE, PLEASE!! Okay, so no matter who said this provision should be put in the bill, why are they (senators, representatives, Geithner and the President) all acting all "stunned" that these bonuses were paid out? Didn't they read the fucking bill? It's right's in the bill. Whatever happened to the accountability that the President has been preaching about? It doesn't apply here? For Pete's sake! This is absurd and, libertarian, republican, independent, everyone should be pissed off about this!

It's not about the bonus money itself, it's about the principle. There's supposed to be a new found accountability in Washington...when and where does it start? Shouldn't it start with the President? Did he not read the bill? Because, if he had, he wouldn't be so shocked that these bonuses were paid out. Geithner knew about this and he's feigning surprise, too.

AND, now they want to tax those bonuses by 90%! They're totally changing the rules to the game that they set up! They said it was okay to pay the bonuses and now they say it's not and you're going to pay! Lord have mercy!

This is totally President Obama's baby now...he screwed up by not reading or not fully reading this bill as did our politicians. This, to me, is the end point of "I inherited this mess" line. He can't use that with any validity any more.

Wonder what his teleprompter would tell him to do about this?

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