Wednesday, March 25, 2009

How long did it take him....

I was just waiting to see how long it would take the President to once again say "I inherited this mess" during last night's press conference. It wasn't long into the questioning when he whipped out the ol' "it isn't my fault" crap. Did he forget that he voted for the TARP? Selective memory? This blame has curdled and like I said in my last post, he now owns this mess after making it crystal clear that he didn't read the recovery bill.

I wasn't surprised when Ed Henry from CNN (?) asked a question about why it took weeks for the President and his staff to express their outrage over the AIG bonuses. Originally, President Obama didn't answer the question, just like so many answers he gave last night...didn't actually answer the question at hand but then when Ed Henry asked again about the delay in outrage, the President became irritated and short and snapped out the answer of "I like to know what I'm talking about before I say anything." What a joke! What a crappy, disrespectful, childish answer for the POTUS to give. It was obvious to me, that by that answer, he really wasn't outraged about the bonuses at all and it was just delayed until the American people became aware of the situation. I just shook my head and laughed at his response.

I understand that last night, his purpose was to drive home the "only way out of this mess is through health care and energy reform" agenda. I understand it, I don't agree with it but I understand it. It just became more clear that the economy disaster is just a smoke screen for him to get his agenda passed while the people aren't looking. He's betting on the stupidity of Americans which is a pretty good risk to take.

Poor TOTUS, last night his cousin, the big screen teleprompter was utilized and apparently TOTUS had the night off.

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